I like lists, to a point. They keep me organized. But sometimes there are so many things on it that it becomes overwhelming. A year is not a long time, and I realize that once school starts again, that my life will once again be consumed by the "have to's" that make up much of a parent's life. I have to get the kids up. I have to get them to school. I have to call that client back. You know that drill. Most all of us do.
So I'm trying to get as many things off of my To Do list as possible. I'm very task oriented, which means I love to check things OFF the list. Unfortunately, I find that impossible lately. How do you check off "Learn Spanish" and "learn about Ham Radio". Well, you don't, as it turns out. Clearly, I need to break these things down into smaller pieces. The alternative is to remain paralyzed by how much there is to do. I'm finding myself locked in helplessness. I can't do it all, so I do nothing.
A tip I read recently said that you should set a timer for 20 minutes. Do a task until the timer goes off and then switch to something else, whether you're done or not. I'm going to try that.
Oh, and I probably have to get rid of my World of Warcraft account.
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