Well, that's not the only problem right now, but it's certainly not helping. The fluctuation is crazy at the moment, and it's seriously messing with my mojo. The amount of boat we can afford is going to be directly related to what our investments can do for us in the short-term. We are also trying to weigh the tax implications of retirement, soon-to-be three rental properties (two townhomes and the homestead) and the sale of all of our STUFF. The delicate balance required to fitting all of these moving pieces together has made me question whether we should do this now.
The answer seems to always come back to YES, we should. But how? Well, and not just how - but how best? I think up to this point I have had unwavering faith in my husband's ability with mathematics and economics. But with so many changing tax laws, health insurance options and the housing market, I think maybe an expert or seven might be in the near future. Should we take out a boat loan? Should we refinance before we leave? Should I learn how to play the ukelele?
We've also started to question the once-solid idea of buying a catamaran in favor of a much less expensive option (read: monohull). The advice we're given consistently is "whichever boat gets you out on the water sooner is the right boat for you". So I think we're about to make some big shifts in our thinking given the current economic climate. We may also push back our date for the "big leave" to later in the Fall. Maybe October or even after the new year, to avoid the crushing tax burdens involved in doing this all at once. Our current plan is August 1, but I have become ever the realist. We shall have to see how it all plays out. We need a tax genie...or a lottery win. Either of those would answer a lot of questions and make this whole thing a lot easier.
Then again...maybe it shouldn't be super simple. If it was, we would not have to question our decision to do this. And we wouldn't have to recommit to it every time a new wrinkle appears. Perhaps I just need to embrace the uncertainties and allow the questions to just be.
(snort) Or maybe I need to get back to the gym and control what I can.
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